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Sites owned by KENTROPOLIS, its clients or associates that link to this page have agreed to the following privacy conditions.  Any and all information collected from users/viewers of the site do so voluntarily for the purpose of entertainment or doing business with KENTROPOLIS, its clients or associates.  Unless otherwise explicitly noted on the site, any and all information collected through the site will be used for that purpose only and not be sold to a third party, except as an asset transferred in the sale of the business or organization that owns and/or runs the site.

All About Cookies

This site may require the use of cookies to track you through a user session, or to identify your computer for your convenience in future sessions/visits to the site.

If you are using a shopping cart on this site (multiple pages of purchasable items that are tracked and then "checked out" to complete a purchase transaction), cookies MUST be enabled for the process to work properly.  This can be done by changing your preferences / security settings.